ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 2644
Poster No. = 675


Gorlacheva Zynaida, Donetsk Botanical gardens Ukraine 340059, Donetsk, Illich's Avenue,110

The study of 20 specimens of the species Allium ramosun L.(A.odorum L.) from different ecological-geographic localities showed considerable distinctions between them in a number of features. By the common character of features all the plants were separated into three groups. According to their features two groups of plants corresponded to varieties var.mongolicum and var.odorum, identified earlier. These varieties differ in phases of development and their habit. For instance, var.odorum develops later and has more vigorous plants. The plants of the third group differ from the earlier described varieties in a big wax coating on the parts of a plant and also in later development than var.odorum. Besides that all the three varieties differ distinctly in configuration of pods. All these enabled to single out a new form of the onion - var. glauca Gorlacheva.

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