ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 2519
Poster No. = 1307


T. Hallingbäck* and N. Hodgetts**. *Threat. Species Unit, Box 7007, SE-75007 Uppsala, SWEDEN, tomas.hallingback@dha.slu.se. **JNCC, City Rd, Peterborough, PE1 1JY, UK.

Bryophytes are an essential part of this planet's biodiversity. However, the world-wide reduction and degradation of habitats important for these has led to a loss. Threats include deforestation, urbanisation, drainage of wetlands and over-grazing. The Plan reviews the situation world-wide and gives examples of hot spots and suggests a number of initiatives like: 1. More inventories in order to determine the species richness of different regions and habitats and which taxa are threatened. 2. To protect areas and consider bryophytes in human activities such as forestry, farming and road construction. 3. Training of local taxonomists is essential for the execution of these projects. Finally, the Plan list some of the most endangered bryophyte species world-wide and a number of important projects.

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