ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 2301
Session = 11.14.6


Rupert Wimmer University of Agricultural Sciences A-1180 Vienna, Austria e-mail: wimmer@mail.boku.ac.at

Radial increment width is one measure of cambial activity in a tree. Various anatomical features could play an important role in dendrochronology if their signals can be extracted from tree rings. This paper discusses examples of anatomical variables that have been used lately and their potentials for possible use in dendrochronology are demonstrated. Continuous variables such as maximum and minimum tree ring density, cell wall sizes and others are considered as well as discontinuous ones such as vertical resin ducts or intra-annual density bands. It is shown that frequencies of vertical resin ducts measured in spruce trees respond positively to above-normal temperature while intra-annual density fluctuations react highly rain sensitive and are closely related to dry spring events. The synthesis will be an overall evaluation.

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